Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I just started selling over at I like it so far though it's taken a little bit to get used to, haha.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Moved to California

I just moved back to California from Maui (I know, I miss it already) but I'm very excited to be back in my home state. My Etsy shop is now re-opened so you're welcome to skee-dadle on over there and check out what I've got :]

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Now on Twitter!

I went exploring on the Forums at Etsy and everyone was just raving about how much business they've had since signing up for this update website so I decided to give it a try myself. Go check it out at, you're welcome to become a follower!


Friday, January 2, 2009

The Lip Balms

This one is just so tasty, I love it! It's such an interesting combination but it totally works together. This one in particular is one of my biggest sellers, especially with the women.

This one has an interesting cooling effect when applied which is quite pleasant. Know a guy with chapped lips? This lip balm makes a great present and it's not girly smelling like most lip balms.

These can also be purchase by clicking HERE

The Lotion Bars

This is one of my favorite fragrances and it's definitely a great smell for guys (both my brother and my dad like this scent in particular).
Eucalyptus essential oil is great for really waking up the senses and spearmint is a fantastic compliment.

Maui Rose is my all time favorite because it's not to overpowering and it doesn't smell like an old lady kind of rose. To get this particular lotion bar I actually drove to Hana (I live on Maui but it's still a bit of a drive, haha) to get the fragrance oil from this small little specialty store but I think it was well worth the effort.

This fragrance is very relaxing and of course another one of my favorites. I like to use it right when I get out of a nice bath to help me wind down at the end of a long day.
The lavender essential oil used in this product came all the way from Maui's beautiful upcountry, specifically the Ali'i Kula Lavender Farm. This is by far the best quality lavender essential oil I have come across. I like to try and use local ingredients when I can.

All of these items can be purchased by clicking HERE if you are interested :]

Hooray for the First Post!

I recently started my own small business to help earn some extra money. I am currently selling my all natural homemade lotion bars and lip balms. You are welcome to buy these products here.
